Celebrating 20 years of uniforms and making the next 20 even better

Celebrating 20 years of uniforms and making the next 20 even better

Posted by Noel Asmar on

We're proud of everything we've accomplished over the last 2 decades and we're looking ahead getting ready to make the next 20 even better. To celebrate, we sat down with CEO and Founder, Noel Asmar, to reflect on what it takes to be an entrepreneur, finding balance, and how to make wellness a priority above all else.

Q: How does it feel to be celebrating 20 years and reaching this milestone?
A: Celebrating 20 years after surviving all the Covid-19 closures makes me extra grateful and thankful for the relations we have with our customers. We got even closer during the past two years. We're inspired to innovate and help our customers show up looking and feeling their best and we're on a mission to make sustainability even easier to achieve for our clients.

Q: What do you think the biggest misconceptions are about being an entrepreneur and owning your own business or brand? What would you like to debunk or share with those who want to start their own business?
A: Entrepreneurs are a unique breed. We put in long hours, work with no guarantees, and take a lot of risk personally and professionally because we believe we are on a worthwhile mission that is going to help someone else. For anyone that thinks working for others is really hard work and that trying something on their own to will give them more "control" over their lives...think again. Being an entrepreneur means that you wear many hats, work at odd hours weekdays and weekends, and you can never let your guard down if you want to be successful.

Q: Being so entrenched in the wellness space, how do you balance your responsibilities and roles in the business, with time for yourself and life outside the office?
A: I have three non-negotiable things in my life… sleep, fresh food, and LOVE. Building a business with a strong culture means living our values in and out of the office. It's rewarding building meaningful relationships. We always eat our meals at home as a family--they say when you eat together you stay together.

Q: Is there a quote or piece of advice someone shared with you in your journey that you hold onto or often come back to?
A: Surround yourself with good people, know your strengths, get clear on your gaps and fill those roles with people that are passionate, talented, and align with your values

Q: What do the next 20 years hold for NAU?
A: The next 20 years are already evolving quickly – we are launching a very exciting new category that will touch a lot of lives and we're developing with sustainability in mind. Stay tuned! We're continuing to elevate the spa and wellness industry in new and exciting ways.

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